Nearly 700 UFOs seen in Saskatchewan during the past 25 years

The Canadian province of Saskatchewan is rife with UFO sightings.

UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski from the group UFOlogy Research told Canadian daily newspaper Metro, “Saskatchewan is very well represented in UFO reports over the past number of years.”

UFOlogy Research compiles UFO sighting data to publish an annual Canadian UFO Survey. The 2013 Canadian UFO Survey showed that more than forty percent of Canada’s 2013 UFO reports were in the province of Ontario. And the typical sighting lasted approximately thirteen minutes. But the most interesting detail reveled by the 2013 data was that approximately fourteen percent of Canada’s 2013 UFO reports were classified as unexplained.

Saskatoon Skyline. (Credit: Tomtheman5/Wikimedia Commons)

Rutkowski recently informed Metro that UFOlogy Research is currently working on a special Canadian UFO Survey report that will detail UFO sightings in Canada spanning the last twenty-five years. Although the group hopes to release this study within the next month, Rutkowski revealed to Metro, “Throughout the past 25 years, there are almost 700 UFO reports from Saskatchewan alone . . . That’s a little less than 5 per cent of the total number of cases in Canada.”

Here is an interactive map that allows you to explore where UFO sightings in Saskatchewan took place in 2013.

Rutkowski is searching for answers to explain these UFOs. As Metro reports, he views his search as an “interesting detective challenge” trying to identify unusual aerial objects. He explains, “In a small proportion of cases, a few per cent every year, we can’t come up with an explanation, and those are the ones that really fascinate us.”

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