National UFO Alert: Sighting reports down with Maine ranked highest
Overall UFO sighting reports were down 30 percent in November 2014 compared to the previous 10 months of reports. Maine was the high reporting state by population with 3.01 sightings per million population and registering as a UFO Alert 2, according to witness reporting statistics released December 1, 2014, from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
Nevada was the next highest reporting level by population – earning a UFO Alert 3. There were 2.54 sightings per million population in Nevada last month.
West Virginia was ranked a UFO Alert 4 with 2.16 sightings per million population. All other states received less than 2 sightings per million population and were ranked a UFO Alert 5.
As the highest reporting state per million residents, Maine received 4 actual reports.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
The UFO Alert Rating System has previously only reported on the raw numbers by state to rate each state. Beginning October 2014, the rating will change to rank states by population.
Disregarding populations, the top reporting states for November 2014 with 16 or more reports were: California, 44; Pennsylvania, 17; and Texas, 16.
During the 10-month period January 1 to October 31, 2014, MUFON received an average of 764 reports per month worldwide. Cases reported during November totaled 542 – about a 30 percent drop from the average. Prior to November, July was the high reporting month with 1,003 cases; and February was the low with 512 cases.
The sphere remains the most-reported UFO shape with 88 November cases; down from 153 October cases; 140 September cases, 179 August cases; 216 July cases; 156 June cases; 129 May cases; 150 April cases, 131 March cases, 91 February cases; and 240 January cases. Other shape reports include: Disc, 57; Triangle, 56; Unknown, 45; Other, 42; Star-Like, 40; Circle, 34; Oval, 22; Cylinder, 20; Boomerang, 20; Fireball, 20; N/A, 18; Square-Rectangular, 14; Cigar, 13; Diamond, 8; Egg, 8; Flash, 8; Bullet-Missile, 6; Blimp, 5; Chevron, 4; Cone, 4; Saturn-like, 3; Teardrop, 3; and Cross, 2.
The object’s distance from the witness includes: Less than 100 feet, 69 cases; 101 to 500 feet, 85 cases; 501 feet to one mile, 128 cases; over one mile, 127 cases; unknown, 164; and no value stated, 18.
In addition, there were “25 landings, hoverings or takeoffs reported and 1 entity observed.”
The most interesting UFO reports do not necessarily come from high reporting states – but those states with higher numbers do account for some of the most interesting evidence to study. While UFO sightings seem to pop up randomly around the country, this list is meant to offer a small insight into where Americans are filing reports.
Infographics for this reporting period were created by and include: Most Witnessed Shapes by State, Sightings By Country, Sightings By State, and Sightings Per Million People.