New details emerge supporting Kingman UFO crash

Depiction of the Kingman UFO.
Depiction of the Kingman UFO. (credit: Michael Schratt)

Students of UFO crash retrievals will recall the 1953 case of Kingman AZ. On May 21th of 1953, a UFO is alleged to have crashed 8.1 miles NW of Kingman AFB, now Kingman airport (see figure 1). The original reference for a UFO crash occurring in the vicinity of Kingman came from an article published in the Farmington Massachusetts edition of the Middlesex News published on April 23rd, 1973. Additionally, through the efforts of Raymond Fowler (UFO author and researcher), an alleged member of the official USAF investigation team was identified and interviewed. Dubbed “Fritz Werner” (actual name Arthur Stanzel) by Raymond Fowler, this unique eyewitness to the recovery operation signed an affidavit which contained the following statement: “I Fritz Werner, do solemnly swear that during a special assignment with the U.S. Air Force on May 21, 1953, I assisted in the investigation of a crashed unknown object in the vicinity of Kingman Arizona”. The craft was said to have a brushed aluminum exterior finish, and measured approximately 30 feet in diameter. Two swivel seats were reported to have been found inside the craft, along with instruments and display panels. A single hatch which was found to be open on the craft measured five feet high, and three feet wide.  Additional reports from “Majic Eyes Only” written by Ryan S. Wood, indicate that the craft was embedded 20” into the desert sand on impact.

Figure 1: Kingman Map
Figure 2: Los Alamos National Laboratories.

A discrepancy exists regarding the configuration of the craft, due to the fact that some reports indicate that it may have been oval or “cigar” shaped. Four small extraterrestrial bodies with a dark complexion measuring approximately four feet in height are believed to have been recovered at the crash site. Three of these EBE’s (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) were reported to have been transferred to a secure “YY-II” facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory (see figure 2). The remaining occupant (known as J-Rod) was later sent to Area S-4 (South of Area 51). However, according to Raymond Fowler’s witness, only one deceased entity (who was wearing a silvery one piece flight suit) was recovered at the crash site. This represents another example of how sketchy details in the murky business of UFO crash retrieval research can lead to conflicting reports, leaving solid evidence to support such claims difficult to obtain. However, a letter in the Wendelle Stevens collection written by investigator Timothy Cooper to UFO researcher William Steinman, delivered through Stevens, dated December 18th 1990, may provide additional confirmation (see figure 3).

Figure 3: Letter from investigator Tim Cooper.

Although third hand in nature, this letter mentions the existence of a military blockade along highway 40, possibly during the year of 1953. Also note the curious statement from the eyewitness, that even the “desert roads were sealed off”. Why would the U.S. military deem it necessary to seal off a major highway passing directly through Kingman? Why not just transport “sensitive” material during night time hours? These actions by the military would seem to support a rapid-response program designed to secure the area leading to and from a potential UFO crash site. Any remaining debris would immediately need to be recovered REGARDLESS of the time of day.

Have elements of the military recovered objects of extraterrestrial origin, and transported them to clandestine hangars somewhere in the Southwest? It’s interesting to note that highway 40 connects directly to highway 93. Researchers will instantly recognize the fact that highway 93 leads North through Las Vegas, and directly into “Area 51”. For decades, reports have surfaced of crashed discs being housed at a TOP SECRET facility known as Area S-4 (12 miles South of Area 51). Specific detailed accounts from Wendelle Stevens indicate that the disc that crashed near Kingman was transported to Area 51 via U.S. Army M25 40 ton tank transporter (see figure 4 model photo). Attempts were made by the recovery crew to tilt the craft on end to facilitate transportation across the country. However, this procedure was abandoned when it quickly became apparent that tilting the craft was impossible. Due to the oversized load of the disc on the trailer of the tank transporter, telephone poles had to be removed when the main road intersected with unimproved surfaces or dirt roads. Kingman is by no means the only location of alleged extraterrestrial crash retrieval operations. Additional crashes have been reported to have occurred at the following locations: Cape Girardeau Missouri 1941, Alaska 1943, Roswell NM 1947, and Aztec NM 1948.

Figure 4: Army M25 40 ton tank transporter.

A final piece of tantalizing evidence came from retired mechanical engineer Bill Uhouse, who claimed he was part of a TOP SECRET program to design and build flight simulators which were used to teach American test pilots how to control flying saucers. (see figure 5). Apparently, according to Uhouse, the origin for this program came from the UFO crash at Kingman. For now, the mysterious crash at Kingman remains one of the most intriguing cases in Ufology.

Figure 5: Bill Uhouse Flying Saucer Simulator (credit: Michael Schratt).

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