Hovering rod-shaped UFO described as 50 yards long

A Pennsylvania witness at Lancaster County reported watching and stopping to photograph an orange, rod-shaped UFO that appeared to be hovering in the sky 2-3 miles away about 1:24 a.m. on December 1, 2014, according to testimony in Case 61763 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was driving home from work when a “long, bright orange light” was noticed in the western sky.

The object appeared to be 50 yards wide, just a few meters tall and hovering 2-3 miles away. Pictured: A typical Lancaster County farm with a horse-drawn farm implement and a corn field behind. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

“The light was the most intense in the center and at the ends, but it was constant, almost like fiber optic,” the witness stated. “It appeared to be 50 yards wide, just a few meters tall, and 2-3 miles away. The object was hovering.”

As the witness drove through hills, the object would appear and disappear from view. When the object came into view again, the witness pulled over to take a photograph.

“When I parked and stepped out of my car the object rotated in place and was now very narrow and was shining white – almost like a position light.”

The witness watched as the object then moved quickly away.

“The object than flew west in a straight line and vanished quickly. As it vanished a bluish burst of light engulfed the object. This happened so fast I wasn’t able to capture a picture. I was so curious I drove towards where it had just been hoping to see some evidence of something but found none. I wouldn’t believe any of this had I not seen it myself. Truly unexplainable.”

As the UFO vanished, a bluish burst of light engulfed the object. Lancaster County is in south central Pennsylvania. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

No photos or videos were included with the MUFON report.

Lancaster County is located in the south central part of the Pennsylvania, population 519,445.

Pennsylvania has a current UFO Alert Rating of 5 with a low number of recent reports nationally. Pennsylvania had 19 UFO reports that occurred during October 2014 – calculated at 1.49 sightings per million population.

The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.

Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to MUFON.com.

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