Hitler’s real UFOs

Iron Sky movie poster (credit: Blind Spot Pictures)
The Sun published an article today about Hitler’s plan to build a fleet of UFOs during World War II. This article points to evidence that suggests an SS officer by the name of Hans Kammler achieved significant breakthroughs in anti-gravity technology towards the end of the war, which supposedly led to UFO development projects.

The Sun‘s article references the German magazine P.M., which published a report last year professing to have strong evidence supporting the claim of an advanced Nazi UFO program. The magazine reportedly quoted witnesses “who saw a flying saucer marked with the German Iron Cross flying low over the Thames in 1944.”

According to the Sun, Joseph Andreas Epp, an engineer who served as a consultant to a Nazi UFO project, claimed fifteen prototypes were built. But Martin Stade, who is an author of a book on an area where UFO projects supposedly took place, claims 174 flying saucers were developed at the site.

Many UFO researchers and historians are familiar with the reports of Hitler’s UFO projects. And as mentioned above, the P.M. magazine report to which the Sun referenced in their recent article was published last year, so the information is not new, but it is a story that is currently making headlines, and will likely continue to make headlines throughout the week due to its controversial nature.

As reported last November on OpenMinds.tv, the Nazi UFOs are the subject of a movie called Iron Sky that is scheduled to be released next year.

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