Fake California UFO photo fools Ohio TV news

The Camera360 phone app strikes again. Ohio’s WMFD News recently featured the story of a man who said he captured a UFO in a picture he took with his tablet while vacationing in California. However, the UFO image is one that comes with the Camara360 photo app for smartphones.

Open Minds recently featured other UFO and alien photos that were taken with this app and purported to be real. We were even approached at the UFO Congress by a young woman who said she had caught an alien in a photograph, but it turned out to be a joke she was playing on us and her parents using the Camera360 app.

Camera360 is a smartphone app that allows the user to manipulate photos taken on their phones. Among other effects, it lets the user add aliens and UFOs to their images. Unfortunately, it makes hoaxing a convincing picture very simple. However, WMFD should not feel too bad. News agencies across the world have been fooled by these pictures recently, including as far a Thailand and Indonesia.

Many of the hoaxers can be very convincing. Such is the case of Tom Young from Mansfield, Ohio. He told news reporters that he was visiting friends in San Carlos, California, and decided to take a picture of the beautiful view from their balcony. When he looked at the picture later, he says he was surprised to find a classically shaped flying saucer.

He told WMFD News that he doesn’t believe in extraterrestrials. He thinks the disc shaped object is advanced technology built right here on Earth. He told WMFD News:

“NASA has some technology that they are messin’ with, and I don’t believe that these things are from Mars. I don’t support that kind of thinking, and there is too much technology in this whole area here that would substantiate somebody has got some technology that they are playing with.”

Young said he is happy with his picture and he will proudly hold onto it forever. It is possible a trick is being played on him as well, but this is another example that when a picture looks too good to be true, it often is.

A similar image taken in Palmerah, Subdistrict of West Jakarta, Indonesia. This one also made it into local news reports. (Credit: oik yusuf/ kompas.com)
Camara360 UFO photo that fooled Thai news. (Credit: http://www.thairath.co.th/)


We informed WMFD of Camera360, so they did a follow up story and confronted the UFO “witness.” Watch the video below.

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