Exploring the mystery of the Majestic 12

MAJIC men teaser (credit: Bryce Zabel)
In the whirlwind of the alleged Roswell incident cover up lies a secret set of government documents that compiles a 12-man list of our nations finest scientists, military leaders, and government officials. These men were allegedly authorized by President Truman to investigate the Roswell incident, and were called the Majestic 12. The report of the Majestic 12 lurks in the shadows of UFO accounts, and its story woven through a web of top-secret memos, highly classified meetings, and clandestine operations.

Don Most, best remembered as Ralph from Happy Days, notions himself as an amateur ufologist. He is partnering with TV producer Bryce Zabel and Bridget Healey to produce a film surrounding the mystery of the Majestic 12, and the people who research it. Currently in the development stage, they hope this film will bring to light the mystery that surrounds this top secret government group.

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