EntertainmentUFO News
Alejandro Rojas
Alejandro Rojas is a radio host for Open Minds Radio, editor and contributing writer for Open Minds magazine as well as OpenMinds.tv. For several years Alejandro was the official spokesperson for the Mutual UFO Network as the Director of Public Education. As a UFO/Paranormal researcher and journalist, Alejandro has spent many hours in the field investigating phenomena up close and personal. Alejandro has been interviewed by media organizations around the world, including the largest cable and network news agencies with several appearances on Coast to Coast AM.
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Sir, I have watched your varied shows for years and know you are an open minded individual seeking TRUTH Well I do not know if you can handle this because what I speak to really has it’s basis in the spirit rhelm. In UFO Witess you speak of abductions and DNA. Now as I stated, if your truly open minded I would point you to Robin Bulluck a Christian prophet
.Why? His latest prophecy speaks to everything you are seeking answers to. What is that? The creation of a hybrid human to – OK HAVE A SEAT- to propagate the devil’s seed. Now at this point you are either mocking me and God or you truly are seeking? I say, listen carefully to what this prophet says and consider where and who these so called ALIENS ARE! If you believe Gods Word then we know the answer to who they are. All you have to do is open your mind to what is to we mortals difficult to get our hands around but so factual in faith it cannot be denied. Respectfully, Cecare! By the way Italian for seeking truth. You see the truth so clear it is not recognized but by a few.