A fleet of ‘bird-like’ UFOs in Mexico

Eight strange UFOs were captured on video over Mexico on January 26. A handful of media outlets published stories about these UFOs, describing them as “bird-like.” The International Business Times describes that the eight objects seen in the video are shown “flying in a synchronised manner which could be mistaken for birds.”
That’s because these UFOs are, most likely, a flock of birds. Pelicans to be more specific.
But the International Business Times continues, “But a closer look revealed that the wing-like structures attached to each object do not flap and the rest of the body seem to emit fluorescent light. The objects change the course of flight together making it appear as if they were controlled by intelligence.”
Agreeing with this sentiment, the website UFO Sightings Daily posted, “At first glance I made the mistake of assuming this was a video of seagulls. I was mistaken. Not a single one of them flap like a bird would. These objects appear to be a fleet of UFOs or even possibly DARPA drones being tested in Mexico. Notice how the UFOs or drones synchronise in flight and clearly show that they are controlled by intelligence. They also look a little like the secret aircraft the TR3B.”
Although it’s possible that these UFOs are some unknown mechanical craft, the evidence suggests these eight UFOs comprise a flock of birds. Even Miguel Aguila, the individual who shot the video, describes the objects as looking like birds. But he, like UFO Sightings Daily and the International Business Times cite the noted lack of wing flapping to rule out birds. Several birds, however, have the ability to glide through the sky for extended periods without flapping their wings. The American white pelican is one such bird, and it bears a striking resemblance to the objects in the video.
According to the University of Michigan’s Museum of Zoology, “American white pelicans fly gracefully, spreading their wings and sliding onto the water on their feet as they land. Flight is usually in linear formations or forming a ‘V.’ They flap and glide and may soar on days when they can take advantage of updrafts.”
With everyone describing these UFOs as “bird-like,” if they look like pelicans and soar like pelicans, then they are probably pelicans. And if you’re doubtful, watch these videos of pelicans in flight:
What bugs me the most is that I can’t find any reference re. WHERE in Mexico this was taken –it’s a big country, ya know 😉
I’m not positive, but I think it was shot in Guadalajara..
Birds don’t fly upside-down. In the first 15 seconds these things do just that.
We seen these in missouri
Saw same thing in Sierra Nevada foothills near Sacramento, CA yesterday afternoon. Temperature was near record 106 degrees. There were about 40 objects moving in unison in large vertical triangle shape. White color but when all turned back or face towards me, which occured several times, they looed metallic.
I also saw the same thing Oct. 18, 2014 in Somerville, AL (Near Huntsville). I saw a group of 15 flying in a loose formation, which sometimes became a typical “V” (like geese), and otherwise was random. They stopped in the sky and acted as though they caught a thermal. I was photographing an outdoor event, so I aimed my camera at them to take some snaps. They all flew in unison, but did not flap their wings. They were bright as they came toward me and dimmer as they went away. I stopped shooting and watched. As I did, they became brighter and dimmer as they orbited. However on one orbit, their numbers multiplied a LOT. Whereas my photos show 15 to begin with, I count 74 after they multiplied. I admit they look like birds in the images (by my estimation, some sort of pelican). However, we are not a migratory route for pelicans, nor are we near the ocean. You can look at my images DSC_6044 and DSC_6045, which were taken 14 seconds apart. As you can see, there were a LOT more objects in the second, (and subsequent) image.
You guys are way too gullible. They are pelicans and when they are riding the updrafts they don’t need to flap their wings. Just look here at some in focus. You can even see a couple bald eagles up there also not flapping.